
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Digestive poster

This week Isy and I made a digestive system poster, we had to draw a detailed drawing of the human body that had to have all the organs in the digestive system and the purpose of each. Isy did the drawing and I did the writing.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Week 10 math contract

For this weeks math contract my class and I have one set task a day,
We have a math sheet a day, 
like for Monday the work sheet was At the movies,
Tuesdays was Visit to the theme park,
Wednesday was Trip to the aquatic center,
Thursday was Visit to the zoo,
Friday was Trip to the museum,
What a fun week, but of course those are all math work sheets.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Word art

This week on the contract me and my class had to create a some sort of
shape and put words in it related to Matariki it is called a wordle and we made
it on this website called word art.
Well have you ever made a wordle on word art?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Paradise sign language

Te Kahu class, and Tui class
learnt how to sign the song paradise.
Kakapo class taught us how. 
It was quite easy for me and some other people but it was challenging for some.
I had fun doing this task.

Do you know sign language.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

curves of pursuit

Recently me and Te Kahu class have done some art.
By doing this we have learnt to measure accurately.
I  had a lot of fun doing this, it turned out to look amazing.
Have you done anything similar?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Yesterday Mrs Davis took us to the library and I got this cool book
The book is called 500 things you should know about animals
I am learning some stuff but half of the facts I already know.